How to overcome sleeplessness
There are many ways on how you can get better sleep. You can try any of the below methods to get some good sleep. Treatment for sleepless ness or insomnia can be made by following the below tips. Sleeplessness leads you to tiredness, confusion and restlessness. A good sound sleep is essential to keep you active in your daily routine. A few tips to gain good sleep.
- Maintain strict timings on your sleep. Ensure that you go to sleep at the same time everyday. Also get up at the same time. This will help your body and mind to regularize your sleep.
- Have a light snack before going to bed. Do not take spicy food or excessive sweets. Help your digestive system by taking light snacks like a few slices of bread or some cereal. This will reduce the pressure on your digestive system which will allow you to sleep peacefully and will not disturb you trying to digest food.
- Avoid nicotine... or atleast ensure that you do not consume any kind of nicotine atleast 5-6 hours before you go to bed.
- Many people have the habit of taking alcohol and assume that this gives better sleep. This is not true and also this could lead to complications. Usually, you will have disturbed sleep after consuming Alcohol. Avoid Alcohol atleast for 5-6 hours befor you go to sleep.
- Try taking milk before going to bed. You can also take some malt beverages which normally helps in having good sleep. Always ensure that you dont go to bed hungry.
- Try to keep your bedroom clean and well ventilated. If you are getting disturbed by any noise around, try to use earplugs to have a peacefull sleep.
- Be active during the day. Dont doze off during the day, as this may be an obstacle to your night sleep.
- Finally, sleep comfortably. Make a good and comfortable bed, stretch your legs and sleep comfortably. Dozing off on the Sofa, chair in uncomfortable positions is not a healthy habit.
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