Saturday, December 12, 2009


A rash like inflammed skin conditon with a itchy sensation is called Eczema. It is generally known as "dermatitis". The skin although dry is very itchy and most of the treatment for Eczema involves in reducing the itch. This is caused due to lack of moisture. Although the very exact cause of Eczema is not known. It is not contagious and can be controlled. Too much of heat and sweat also aggrevate the skin condition, hence its recommended to avoid sweat and heat. Fortunately, it disappears with age in children.

Although it appears different from person to person, its normal symptoms are dryness and extremely red patches. It is often known as the itch that rashes as the rashes appear due to itching. The place of occurance in the body is usually the forehead, scalp,elbow, knees, neck etc., Scientists believe that eczema is inherited, so there's is no preventive measure.

Treating baby's eczema can be relatively simple. Since eczema tends to rob the affected skin of moisture, keeping the skin adequately moisturized is the most important aspect of treatment. Use very mild soaps. Pat the skin dry, never rub, and immediately apply a thick moisturizer. Many doctors recommend that lotions be applied four or five times daily to help keep the skin moist.

A child having eczema should be bathed daily in lukewarm water. Do not bathe your child in hot, or even very warm water. Hot water causes skin to release histamines that make the skin red and itchy. The bath should not be for very long. . Avoid using soap and do not scrub skin with washcloth. Dress Childeren in loose fitting cotton clothes only. Apply lavish coats of moisturisers. If you child is found itching an area continously then dappen that area first with water and then apply moisturiser. Eczema can aggrevate due to stress too. Some severe eczema may also be treated with ultraviolet light under the supervision of a dermatologist to help clear up their condition. Try to eliminate any known allergens such as certain foods, dust, or pet dander from the surroundings. Anytime you feel that the symtoms are annoying the child take the child to the doctor.

There are many causes of eczema, the most common is allergic over-sensitivity, called atopy. This sort of eczema is known as atopic eczema. Eczema occurs in both children and adults, but usually appears during infancy. Atopic dermatitis often affects people with a family history of allergies. Doctors may sometimes, depending on the severity may prescribe ointments containing steroids which may tone down the itching to a greater extent. Steroids of different strengths are available but the lowest that is bearable by the skin without side effects is prescribed. Once you find some rashes on your childs body it is adviced to contact the doctor immediately.

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