Heart burn is a digestive problem. Heart burn is usually related to meals and posture and can often be relieved by consuming antacids. Heart burn is caused by a faulty muscle in the stomach. The burning, or pain of heartburn can last as long as 2 hours and is often worse after eating. Sometimes standing in an upright posture helps relieve discomfort. There are various reasons of heart burn like
1. Consuming Spicy food
2. Consuming high fat food that takes too long to digest
3. Smoking
4. Pregnancy
5. Irregular food habits
6. Obesity
The food we consume goes to the stomach through the 'Esophagus'. Esophagus is a long tube that is located in the chest and it connects the mouth and the stomach. There is a valve known as the 'lower esophageal sphincter' (LES) normally prevents the contents of the stomach from backing up into the esophagus. Heart burn occurs when the 'lower esophageal sphincter' is weak or relaxes inappropriately, thus allowing the acid to travel back. The Esophagus is not made to withstand acid and is irritated and inflamed when acid from the stomach travels up into it. Excess acid may increase the pressure in the stomach, forcing excess stomach acid and pepsin upward through the LES. Once the acid and pepsin come in contact with the lining of the esophagus, the pain of heartburn occurs.
There are many over counter and prescribed drugs available for heart burn. A tea made of 'Fennel seeds' will also help relieve discomfort. Bananas have a protective action and can be had. Avoid consumption of spicy and oily food items like pickles, fried snacks, chocolates, pastries, fizzy drinks etc., Increase the water intake.
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