Saturday, December 12, 2009

Tips for good health - Simple remedies and treatment

How to reduce Cholesterol ?

Drink pomegranate juice early in the morning on empty stomach. Take 2 pieces garlic along with milk.

How to increase Blood Level in the Body ?

-Take 2 pieces of anjeer (Figs); cut into 2 pieces; keep it overnight in a glass of water, take anjeer along with water early in the morning.

-Coriander and honey also help in increasing blood level.

-Take 2 pieces of crushed and ground dry dates in warm milk with honey.

How to treat Piles ?

-Take Mint juice, lemon juice and honey, mix it well and take it in equal quantity for 3 times a day for 5 days.

-Grind turmeric well and mix it with butter milk and drink it.

-Take papaya, raw cabbage, and dry dates often in your meals.

Treatment for Cough and Cold ?

-Consume a ¼ spoon pepper powder along with honey twice a day, it will help to cure cold (accruing due to excessive body cold), cough and throat infection.

-Inhaling hot fumes emanating by sprinkling turmeric powder on boiling water will cure cold and running nose.

-Cold occuring due to excessive body heat is cured by consuming tender coconut water. Eating raw onion with curd rice cure cough due to body heat.

-Eating sweet apple for 7 days gives relief from dry cough.

-Ginger with honey is taken 3-4 times a day to cure cough. But in case of cold, ginger cut into small pieces is boiled in a cup ot water after straining with a ½ teaspoon of sugar; it should be taken hot.

-Eating pomegranate will cure chest pain due to cough.

How to control High Blood Pressure ?

- One cup sweet gourd juice before breakfast.

- Garlic and beetroot is helpful in controlling high blood pressure.

How to control Diabetes ?

- Dry the black berry seeds completely then grind and take in the morning.

- Drink the juice of tomato with salt and pepper every morning on empty stomach.

- Chew 4 – 5 neem leaves early in the morning.

- 2 teaspoon of powder fenugreek (methi) seeds taken daily in milk or 2 teaspoon of fenugreek seeds can also be swallowed whole daily or Fenugreek seed may be soaked in a cup of water overnight asnd only the water taken in the morning.

- Eating 10 fresh grown curry leaves every morning for 3 months is said to prevent diabetes due yo hereditary factors. It also cures diabetes due to obesity as the leaves have weight reducing properties.

How to treat Joint Pain ?

- Make a paste of honey and lime and apply the paste to the affected region.

- Apple juice, carrot juice and garlic are good for joint pain.

- Eat steam-cooked green fenugreek (Methi Bhaji leaves)

Treatment for indigestion

- Chewing and eating half a spoon of cumin seed (jeera) before taking food will help digest the food well.

- Take ginger juice, honey and lime juice in equal quantity 3 times a day chew and eat 4-5 mint leaves.

- Grapes,orange,sour apple,ripe banana, mango, papaya, garlic,unripe mango with honey and salt help in digestion.

- Dry powder of turmeric (haldi) mixed in buttermilk or plain water help prevent flatulence (gas fromation)

- A table Spoon of cinnamon (Dalchini) water prepared as for cold and taken ½ hour after meals relief flatulence and indigestion.

How to treat Gastritis ?

- 2 to 3 pinches of black pepper powdered taken with jaggery will stop emission of smelly gas.

- Take ½ glass of water with ½ a glass of milk and freeze for 10 minutes, before drinking, with the help of a second empty glass mix it up and down and drink it.

How to treat Depression ?

- Powdered seeds of cardamon (choti elaichi) are boiled in water with tea.

How to treat Headache ?

- A tea made from cardamom is valuable in headache caused by indigestion.

- Betel leaves (paan) can be applied with beneficial results over the painful area to relieve intense headache.

Content on "HealthTips" is provided for general information only, and should not be treated as a substitute for the medical advice of your own doctor, psychiatrist or any other health care professional. We are not responsible or liable for any diagnosis, decision or self-assessment made by a user based on the content of this website. Always consult your own General Physician if you're in any way concerned about your health.


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