Tuesday, December 15, 2009

How to overcome sleeplessness

There are many ways on how you can get better sleep. You can try any of the below methods to get some good sleep. Treatment for sleepless ness or insomnia can be made by following the below tips. Sleeplessness leads you to tiredness, confusion and restlessness. A good sound sleep is essential to keep you active in your daily routine. A few tips to gain good sleep.

- Maintain strict timings on your sleep. Ensure that you go to sleep at the same time everyday. Also get up at the same time. This will help your body and mind to regularize your sleep.

- Have a light snack before going to bed. Do not take spicy food or excessive sweets. Help your digestive system by taking light snacks like a few slices of bread or some cereal. This will reduce the pressure on your digestive system which will allow you to sleep peacefully and will not disturb you trying to digest food.

- Avoid nicotine... or atleast ensure that you do not consume any kind of nicotine atleast 5-6 hours before you go to bed.

- Many people have the habit of taking alcohol and assume that this gives better sleep. This is not true and also this could lead to complications. Usually, you will have disturbed sleep after consuming Alcohol. Avoid Alcohol atleast for 5-6 hours befor you go to sleep.

- Try taking milk before going to bed. You can also take some malt beverages which normally helps in having good sleep. Always ensure that you dont go to bed hungry.

- Try to keep your bedroom clean and well ventilated. If you are getting disturbed by any noise around, try to use earplugs to have a peacefull sleep.

- Be active during the day. Dont doze off during the day, as this may be an obstacle to your night sleep.

- Finally, sleep comfortably. Make a good and comfortable bed, stretch your legs and sleep comfortably. Dozing off on the Sofa, chair in uncomfortable positions is not a healthy habit.

Content on "HealthTips" is provided for general information only, and should not be treated as a substitute for the medical advice of your own doctor, psychiatrist or any other health care professional. We are not responsible or liable for any diagnosis, decision or self-assessment made by a user based on the content of this website. Always consult your own General Physician if you're in any way concerned about your health.

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Health Tips and Technics - How to Overcome STRESS

Try out juices of grapes, watermelon, banana, jack fruit, lemon and pineapple during summer.

STRESS cannot be done away unless the cause itself is removed. Good health and stress free life is all that one craves for. According to the American Dietary Association, the main hazard of stress is not that we need more nutrients, but that anxiety or pressure can cause us to neglect proper dietary habits. Prolonged periods of stress lead to depletion of Vitamin C, B and D. Food changes our brain chemistry in a way that it influences our moods.

The key to our emotion lies in certain chemicals in the blood stream. These are called neuro-transmitters. These are produced from the nutrients in the food. Hence, the need for nutritious and balanced diet is a must to free ourself from the physical and mental diseases and relieve stress. A balanced diet should be defined from the nutritional point of view. As one which contains different types of food in such qualities and proportions; the micro-nutrients like minerals and vitamins and macro nutrients like proteins, fats and carbohydrates is adequately met. And a small provision is made for extra nutrient to withstand short duration of leanness (infections in the body).

Content on "HealthTips" is provided for general information only, and should not be treated as a substitute for the medical advice of your own doctor, psychiatrist or any other health care professional. We are not responsible or liable for any diagnosis, decision or self-assessment made by a user based on the content of this website. Always consult your own General Physician if you're in any way concerned about your health.

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10 Tips and Technics for Better Eyes

Most computer users suffer from the problem of tired eyes, dark circles and headaches. Follow the ten tips to avoid them

Studies have shown that stress, active nightlife and above all, the fact that most of us spend maximum time in front of the computer lead to dark circles, puffed and tired eyes. Timely treatment is essential for such difficulties.

Specifically with computer users, physical and visual discomfort is experienced by many after just a few hours in front of computers. It appears that PC users suffer from repetitive stress of their eyes and want an immediate solution to revive the tired eyes.

Studies show that most computer users start to feel eye-muscle stress after two or more hours at the computer. This usually starts with tired eyes. With more time at the computer, discomfort frequently spreads to the head resulting in headaches, burning of the eyes, blurred vision, loss of focus, double vision, and neck and shoulder pains. Before it is too late, your stressed out eyes need to be relaxed and revitalised so that you feel fresh later in the day.

Tips to reduce eyestrain

-Modify your workstation. Adjust your workstation and chair to the correct height.
Use proper lighting.

-Match the computer screen to the brightness of the environment. The contrast between the background and on-screen characters should be high.

-Minimise the glare. Use window shades, blinds or drapes to block excessive sunlight or install an anti-glare screen to minimise reflections.

-Take frequent breaks. Full-time computer users should take a 10 minute break every hour.

-Blink more often. Tears in the eye evaporate more rapidly during long non-blinking phases and cause dry eyes.

-Get an eye examination done.

-Re-focus your eyes. Look away from your computer screen every 10-15 minutes and focus for 5-10 seconds on a distant object.

-Exercise even when sitting. Move about or exercise frequently.

-Get sufficient sleep. Fatigue promotes eyestrain.

Content on "HealthTips" is provided for general information only, and should not be treated as a substitute for the medical advice of your own doctor, psychiatrist or any other health care professional. We are not responsible or liable for any diagnosis, decision or self-assessment made by a user based on the content of this website. Always consult your own General Physician if you're in any way concerned about your health.

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Healthy habits for a healthy life

There are a few healthy habits which can be followed in daily routine life. These habits will improve blood circulation in the body and also increases the energy levels and fitness.

Excercise If you are planning to add a daily dose of exercise to your routine, this is the right time to start. There is nothing like an early morning walk to start with. A good brisk walk of about 30 minutes will recharge your batteries for the day. Half way round you could also exercise your joints by gently moving them around in different directions. If you are in your 30s, you could also jog for a brief while. People with arthritis must avoid jogging or too brisk walk. Avoid polluted areas for a walk. A couple of rounds in a nearby park will pump your spirits up. If you are game for company, motivate your neighbours to join. Some like walking alone. Such people can try taking a walkman along and listen to some good morning ragas.

A good walk in the evenings too is beneficial for health. When exercising outdoors in the winter time, choose all weather, well cusioned flat-soled shoes and thick cotton socks.

Breathe Well
Be aware of your breathing. Cold air may irritate the respiratory tract and bring on angina (chest pain) or asthma in certain people so make sure your breathing does'nt feel restricted while exercising. If it does, stop immediately and go indoors.

Content on "HealthTips" is provided for general information only, and should not be treated as a substitute for the medical advice of your own doctor, psychiatrist or any other health care professional. We are not responsible or liable for any diagnosis, decision or self-assessment made by a user based on the content of this website. Always consult your own General Physician if you're in any way concerned about your health.

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Breathe Deep - Drive Headaches Away

RELAXATION exercises can help to relieve headaches, backaches and insomnia.

One of the simplest relaxation exercises is deep breathing, which will release endorphins (the body's very own painkillers) into our body.

Begin by breathing through your nostrils; inhale for five counts, silently saying the word "in" (concentrate on breathing deeply); fill your lower abdomen with air; count to five, and then exhale slowly, silently saying the word "out" as you let the air escape through your mouth; repeat this exercise for about two minutes; gradually you will be able to build up to ten counts or higher; increase your relaxation by imagining a peaaceful scene or by breathing in fresh air or pleasant smells.

Best ways to drive out Headaches

Headaches can be caused by a number of different reasons, and diet is only one area that could contribute. The most common causes of headaches are stress with associatd muscle tension, or hormones or medication or medical conditions like high blood pressure or water retention.

Ensure that you drink 6 to 8 glasses of water daily, and limit alcohol consumption to a maximum or abstain completely. Increase water intake if you are having alcohol.

Keep your blood sugars constant by eating regular meals, preferably with snacks in between, and limit intake of very sugary foods (e.g. sugar, jam, cool drinks, sweets, etc.) as these cause a rapid rise and resultant fall in sugar levels.

Eat high fibre foods to help keep blood sugar levels constant. Certain foods can trigger headaches. Dietary triggers are foods which are commonly found to trigger headaches or migraines in certain individuals.

However certain foods will affect different people differently, and you will need to identify which particular foods trigger your headaches. The most common trigger foods are:

  • Red wine, champagne and beer
  • Caffeinated beverages especially coffee, smart drinks, tea and carbonated beverges like
  • Coke
  • Cheese
  • chocolate and chocolate drinks
  • Peanuts and peanut butter
  • Foods containing Monosodium Glutamate (MSG) like packet or canned soups, sauces, instant pastas and Chinese foods. Foods high in other additives can also trigger headaches. avoid processed foods and learn to read labels on foods.
  • Salted and cured meats, dried meats, pickled herring and chicken livers may also be a problem.
  • Certain beans (broad lima, soya, lentils) and citrus fruits; avocados, raspberries and bananas.

In order to identify trigger foods, speak to a dietitian about keeping a food diary and doing exclusion tests.

Content on "HealthTips" is provided for general information only, and should not be treated as a substitute for the medical advice of your own doctor, psychiatrist or any other health care professional. We are not responsible or liable for any diagnosis, decision or self-assessment made by a user based on the content of this website. Always consult your own General Physician if you're in any way concerned about your health.

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Health Tips and Technics - Stress Management

This section provides you with various articles related Stress Management

Stress.. This is caused due to heavy working hours, fatigue and strain. Stress leads to head ache and restlessness.

Articles for stress relief and eye strain below gives you easy to follow tips and technics to overcome stress and also treat your eyes. These technics result in stress relief and treatment to your eyes.

Treat Headaches by Breathing: Drive Headaches away by breathing deeply and also understanding the food that triggers headaches.
Healthy Habits: Healthy habits that can be followed in daily routine life. These habits will improve blood circulation in the body and also increases the energy levels.
Tips and Technics to Treat your eyes: Most computer users suffer from the problem of tired eyes, dark circles and headaches. Follow these ten tips to avoid them.
Healthy food for Stress Free Life: STRESS cannot be done away unless the cause itself is removed. Good health and stress free life is all that one craves for.
Tips to overcome sleeplessness: Ways on how you can get better sleep. You can try any of these methods to get some good sleep. A few tips to gain good sleep.

Content on "HealthTips" is provided for general information only, and should not be treated as a substitute for the medical advice of your own doctor, psychiatrist or any other health care professional. We are not responsible or liable for any diagnosis, decision or self-assessment made by a user based on the content of this website. Always consult your own General Physician if you're in any way concerned about your health.
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Monday, December 14, 2009

Tips for Weaning

By the time my breastfed son celebrated his first birthday, I was ready to wean him. He did not, however, share my feelings. Forget security blankets, pacifiers, and teddy bears. My son's attachment object was literally attached to me -- and he was not going to give it up without a fight.

Exhibit A: Jonah attempting to pull up my shirt to nurse while we waited in line at the supermarket. He knew what he wanted and, like most toddlers, wasn't shy about making his demands known in the loudest possible tones, if necessary. Three years earlier, I had nearly as difficult a time weaning my daughter at 20 months.

This was not exactly what I envisioned when I committed to breastfeeding. Like most parents, I wanted to do what was best for my children. So when I learned, in the first blush of motherhood, that the American Academy of Pediatrics recommends nursing for the first year of baby's life (the World Health Organization favors a two-year minimum), I simply bought more nursing bras.

It certainly wasn't hard labor. I loved the quiet intimacy of nursing. What I wasn't prepared for was how difficult it can be to wean an older child. While babies are relatively malleable -- and even seem to lose interest in nursing at around 9 months -- toddlers, well, they have their passions. Weaning them can be a parenting ordeal right up there with potty training. "If you haven't weaned your child by 18 months, it's very difficult to do so until about 36 months," says Ruth Lawrence, MD, a professor of pediatrics and obstetrics and gynecology at the University of Rochester School of Medicine.

That's not to suggest that women should break out the bottles or cups before they're ready. I have no regrets about having nursed my kids for as long as I did, and not only because it was a precious part of our day. The well-documented benefits of breast milk continue beyond babyhood.

According to one study, about 11 percent of nursing moms are still breastfeeding their babies at a year, a number that has been steadily rising. So weaning a toddler is a challenge that a small but growing number of mothers are likely to confront.

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Saturday, December 12, 2009

What is Sinusitis?

Sinusitis is an infection of one or more of the sinus cavities, often caused by bacteria or an allergy. The sinuses are air pockets in the forehead and in the area surrounding the eyes and nose that function to filter and warm the air we breathe. When infected, the lining of the sinus cavity becomes swollen, causing a build up of fluid or mucus. This build up is responsible for symptoms such as congestion, runny nose, headache, pain and sinus pressure, which your child may be experiencing.

If your doctor has prescribed a treatment for sinusitis or suggested an antibiotic for your little one, it is very important to follow your doctor’s dosage instructions accurately. Make sure your child finishes the full prescription as advised, even if he/she feels better in a few days. Incomplete treatment of sinusitis may lead to recurrence of the infection. If the symptoms persist after you have finished the prescription, then please contact your doctor.

Content on "HealthTips" is provided for general information only, and should not be treated as a substitute for the medical advice of your own doctor, psychiatrist or any other health care professional. We are not responsible or liable for any diagnosis, decision or self-assessment made by a user based on the content of this website. Always consult your own General Physician if you're in any way concerned about your health.
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The fear of Cholesterol

Warnings about cholesterol has become often these days!!!!!!

Once you hear the word ‘Cholesteral’ the first thing that comes to our minds is the clogged arteries and the ‘open heart surgeries’ and the ‘angiograms’. But cholesterol isn’t always bad!!!! It is responsible for certain vital activities in the human body like producing hormones for immunization and building cells.

The more weight you add on results in production of more cholesterol, so watch your weight!!!!!. Eat a fat free healthy diet that helps you maintain your cholesterol levels and also retains the stamina in your body. Eat at regular intervals do not skip or overload your intake. Include polyunsaturated oils like olive oil in your meal. Add fresh fruits and beans rich in protein in your diet.

Include Garlic in your diet in any form, this keeps a check on your cholesterol levels. Smoking is a don’t for the cholesterol watchers as ‘HDL’ (high density lipoprotein ) goes low.

Carrots also help in reducing the cholesterol levels in the human body. Avoid fatty substances like hydrogenated oils, cheese, butter, cream, meat from your diet and include high protein healthy diet to stay way from the cholesterol menace!!!!

Content on "HealthTips" is provided for general information only, and should not be treated as a substitute for the medical advice of your own doctor, psychiatrist or any other health care professional. We are not responsible or liable for any diagnosis, decision or self-assessment made by a user based on the content of this website. Always consult your own General Physician if you're in any way concerned about your health.

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Avian Influenza - Bird Flu

FLU: As birds ready for trans-border migration beginning November, chances are that the avian flu virus too flies into new areas. Is this the beginning of pandemic? Nations are in a state of fear as the virus threatens to melt borders and spread the wings of death.

WITH the bird flu outbreak in Asia spreading to Europe, alarm bells have started ringing with the UN also asking for action. Tens of thousands of ducks and chickens have been culled to curtail the disease’s spread. As the human death toll continues to grow, many are concerned that the virus will mutate and trigger a human pandemic.

October to February is also a crucial period for the Indian authorities as this is the season when migratory birds visit the subcontinent. Many have already started arriving. Health has prepared a fact file on the flu’s spread.

What is avian influenza (Bird flu)?

Bird flu is an infection caused by avian (bird) influenza (flu) viruses. Theses flu viruses occur naturally among birds. Wild birds worldwide carry the viruses in their intestines, but usually do not get sick from them. However, bird flu is very contagious among birds and can make some domesticated birds, including chickens, ducks, and turkeys, very sick and kill them.

Bird flu and humans

There are many different subtypes of type A influenza viruses. These subtypes differ because of certain proteins on the surface of the influenza A virus (hemagglutinin{HA} and neuraminidase {NA} proteins). There are 16 different HA subtypes and 9 different NA subtypes of flu A viruses. Many different combinations of HA and NA proteins are possible. Each combination is a different subtype. All known subtypes of flu A viruses can be found in birds. However, when we talk about bird flu viruses, we are referring to influenza A subtypes chiefly found in birds. They do not usually infect humans, even though we know they can. When we talk about human flu viruses we are referring to those subtypes that occur widely in humans. There are only three known A subtypes of human flu viruses (H1N1, H1N2 and H3N2); it is likely that some genetic parts of current human influenza A viruses came from birds originally. Influenza A viruses are constantly changing, and they might adapt over time to infect and spread among humans. Bird flu viruses do not usually infect humans, but several cases of human infection with bird flu viruses have occurred since 1997.

Human Symptoms

Symptoms of bird flu in humans have ranged from typical flu-like symptoms (fever, cough, sore throat and muscle aches) to eye infections, pneumonia, severe respiratory diseases (such as acute respiratory distress), and other severe and life-threatening complications. The symptoms of bird flu may depend on which virus caused the infection
The Spread

Infected Birds shed flu virus in their saliva, nasal secretions, and feces. Susceptible birds become infected when they have contact with contaminated excretions or surfaces that are contaminated with excretions. It is believed that most cases of bird flu infection in humans have resulted from contact with infected poultry or contaminated surfaces. The spread of avian influenza viruses from one ill person to another has been reported very rarely, and transmission has not been observed to continue beyond one person.


Studies done in laboratories suggest that the prescription medicines approved for human flu viruses should work in preventing bird flu infection in humans.

However, flu viruses can become resistant to these drugs, so these medications may not always work. Additional studies are needed to prove the effectiveness of these medicines. People should avoid contact with infected birds or contaminated surfaces, and should be careful when handling and cooking poultry.

Avian influenza A (H5N1) virus

Influenza A (H5N1) virus also called H5N1 virus is an influenza A virus subtype that occurs mainly in birds. Outbreaks of influenza H5N1 occurred among poultry in eight countries in Asia during late 2003 and early 2004. It is believed that these outbreaks are ongoing. Most recently, influenza H5N1 has been reported among poultry in Turkey and Romania. Human infections of influenza A (H5N1) have been reported in Cambodia, Indonesia, Thailand, and Vietnam. In Hong Kong the virus caused severe respiratory illness in 18 people, 6 of whom died. Since that time, there have been other cases of H5N1 infection among humans. Recent human cases of H5N1 infection that have occurred in Cambodia, Thailand, and Vietnam have coincided with large H5N1 outbreaks in poultry. The World Health Organization (WHO) also has reported human cases in Indonesia. Most of these cases have occurred from contact with infected poultry or contaminated surfaces; however, it is though that a few cases of human-to-human spread of H5N1 have occurred.

So far, spread of H5N1 virus from person to person has been rare and has not continued beyond one person. However, because all influenza viruses have the ability to change, scientists are concerned that the H5N1 virus one day could be able to infect humans and spread easily from one person to another. Because these viruses do not commonly infect humans, there is little or no immune protection against them in the human population.

If the H5N1 virus were able to infect people and spread easily from person to person, an influenza pandemic (worldwide outbreak of disease) could begin. No one can predict when a pandemic might occur.

However, experts from around the world are watching the H5N1 situation in Asia very closely and are preparing for the possibility that the virus may begin to spread more easily and widely from person to person.

H5N1 virus treatment

The H5N1 virus currently infecting birds in Asia that has caused human illness and death is resistant to amantadine and rimantadine, two antiviral medications commonly used for influenza. Two other antiviral medications, oseltamavir and zanamavir, would probably work to treat flu caused by the H5N1 virus, but additional studies still need to be done to prove their effectiveness.

Content on "HealthTips" is provided for general information only, and should not be treated as a substitute for the medical advice of your own doctor, psychiatrist or any other health care professional. We are not responsible or liable for any diagnosis, decision or self-assessment made by a user based on the content of this website. Always consult your own General Physician if you're in any way concerned about your health.
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Watching TV causes Obesity, Diabetes and Sleeplessness

Watching TV is an ideal way to pass time --- it is enjoyable and does not require any effort. Most children plug into the world of television long before they enter school. In India, children between four and 14 years form the largest segment of viewers (23 percent) followed by 15-25 years olds (22 per cent) and 25-35 years old (20 per cent).

Mindless eating? Blame the TV!

Studies done by the Stanford University of Medicine, California, show that TV viewing is directly linked with mindless eating. When children watch TV, they snack more often on junk food – popcorn, chips, ice cream, colas and biscuits – that are high in salt and calories and low in fibre. At the same time, it keeps children indoors and is largely responsible for the lack of physical activity.

TV viewing could lead to obesity because children tend to eat more when glued to the small screen.

Diabetes? Blame the TV

Studies done on women suggest that sedentary behavior, especially prolonged television viewing, significantly increases the risk of obesity and diabetes. It was found that for every two hours spent watching TV, there is a 23 per cent increase in the risk of obesity and a 14 percent increase in diabetes. On the other hand, one hour of brisk walking every day reduces obesity by 24 per cent and diabetes by 34 per cent.

Less Sleep? Blame the TV

A recent study conducted at the University of Florence has revealed that television viewing blocks the production of melatonin – the sleep hormone which is produced around 9 pm and induces sleep. Watching TV causes sleep deficit and can affect the child’s alertness in school. When children stopped watching TV for a week, the secretion of melatonin increased by 30 per cent and improved sleep patterns.

Heavy TV viewing induces passivity and reduces thinking skills in children. It hampers creativity and the development of language skills. Kids who live in “heavy” households – homes where the TV is on always or most of the time – are less likely to be able to read by the age of six. Violent programmes can make children afraid or worried. This may make them aggressive and some may end up experimenting with sex and alcohol.

Content on "HealthTips" is provided for general information only, and should not be treated as a substitute for the medical advice of your own doctor, psychiatrist or any other health care professional. We are not responsible or liable for any diagnosis, decision or self-assessment made by a user based on the content of this website. Always consult your own General Physician if you're in any way concerned about your health.

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Hazards of Obesity

Obesity is a major health hazard. In fact its becoming a very common problem. The excessively high levels of fat in the body is a great risk to health. People who are over weight are prone to many diseases like heart attack, strokes, blood pressure, osteoarthritis and more. The obesity is plaguing the entire world today.

Overweight is the mother of all chronic diseases. Overweight leads to non isulin dependent diabetes. This reduces the ability of the body to control blood sugar. This could lead to kidney problems and blindness too.

Several types of Cancer are associated with overweight. Women develop cancer of the breast, uterus and colon. Men develop prostrate and rectum cancer due to obesity. According the the World Health Organisation high BMI increases the risks of cancer in human. Lets now see how Obesity causes Cancer.

1. Being overweight causes changes in the harmonal behaviour thus speeding up the cell division activity which in turn increases the risk of cancer.

2. Overweight also makes the amount of insulin in the body to go up speeding up the cell division which increases the chance of the cells becoming cancerous.

Excess weight in the body leads to osteoarthritis. This caused by placing extra pressure on the joints wearing away the cartilages.

Overweight also leads to respiratory problems during sleep. This results in halting of breathing for short periods during sleep and snore heavily. This may lead to daytime sleepiness and heart attacks.

Overweight also results in very high blood cholesterol levels which results in heart diseases. Over weight also puts an extra strain on the heart as it tries to pump blood.

Obesity also causes female infertility, uterine fibroids and irregular ovulation.

Content on "HealthTips" is provided for general information only, and should not be treated as a substitute for the medical advice of your own doctor, psychiatrist or any other health care professional. We are not responsible or liable for any diagnosis, decision or self-assessment made by a user based on the content of this website. Always consult your own General Physician if you're in any way concerned about your health.

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Heart Care and Cholesterol Control


Heart Diseases and Hypertension which lead to heart or other organ failures has been on the rise for the past 2 decades. People above the age of 40 have been suffering from such problems due to their unbalanced dietary habits. Its always advisable to control these factors if you want to reduce your risk.

Preventing Coronary Diseases
When there are excess deposits of fat, cholesterol or other substances in the inner wall of arteries, the arteries narrow and harden into a condition known as astherosclerosis, the most common cause of heart trouble. A planned diet and regular exercise are the key to prevent atheroclerosis.

Friendly and Unfriendly FATS
FAT should not exceed 30 per cent of your total calorie intake, which includes a maximum of 10 per cent saturated fat and 10 per cent mono-unsaturated fats. Saturated fatty acids in full-cream milk and red meat increase your cholesterol level. Use non-fat or low-fat milk and milk products instead of full-cream milk and avoid sources of saturated fatty acids like lard, butter, cream, palm oil, coconut oil, ghee and vanaspati

Mono-unsaturated fats that lower cholesterol as well as prevent formation of blood clots are present in olive, canola, peanut and mustard oils. It’s best to use these while cooking.

Omega-3, a fatty acid that prevents atherosclerosis is present in foods like herring, mackerel, salmon, tuna, soyabean, walnuts and butternuts. Take these regularly in small quantities to prevent atherosclerosis.

Cutting Cholesterol
Dietary cholesterol should be limited to 300 mg per day. Since it largely comes from animal products, consumption of non-vegetarian foods, whole milk and milk products hould be restricted. For example, an egg has 250 gm of cholesterol and it is not advisable to take more than two to three eggs a week.

Take healthy alternatives like chicken, fish, beans, vegetable, fruits, bread, pulses, wholewheat flour, cereals, rice, millet, skimmed milk and skimmed milk products and vegetable oils like corn, sesame, soyabean, sunflower, canola, olive and mustard.

Heart disease is less frequent among those who eat high carbohydrate and fibre-rich foods. Carbohydrate and fibre-rich foods. Carbohydrates should provide at least 55 per cent of your daily calories. Foods like bread, chapattis, cereals, rice and dals provide an adequate amount of carbohydrates.

How to control Chest Pain:

  • Boil 4-5 pods of garlic in a glass of milk and consume the garlic pods with milk daily to avoid chest pain.
  • Pound the dates with the seeds and eat them every day.
  • Increase the intake of ginger and lime in your diet.
  • Pound urad dhal to powder and eat it regularly.
  • Drink a glass of milk mixed with kadukai powder every night before going to bed.
  • Take a spoon of tulsi juice with honey in empty stomach every day.
Content on "HealthTips" is provided for general information only, and should not be treated as a substitute for the medical advice of your own doctor, psychiatrist or any other health care professional. We are not responsible or liable for any diagnosis, decision or self-assessment made by a user based on the content of this website. Always consult your own General Physician if you're in any way concerned about your health.
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Tips for good health - Simple remedies and treatment

How to reduce Cholesterol ?

Drink pomegranate juice early in the morning on empty stomach. Take 2 pieces garlic along with milk.

How to increase Blood Level in the Body ?

-Take 2 pieces of anjeer (Figs); cut into 2 pieces; keep it overnight in a glass of water, take anjeer along with water early in the morning.

-Coriander and honey also help in increasing blood level.

-Take 2 pieces of crushed and ground dry dates in warm milk with honey.

How to treat Piles ?

-Take Mint juice, lemon juice and honey, mix it well and take it in equal quantity for 3 times a day for 5 days.

-Grind turmeric well and mix it with butter milk and drink it.

-Take papaya, raw cabbage, and dry dates often in your meals.

Treatment for Cough and Cold ?

-Consume a ¼ spoon pepper powder along with honey twice a day, it will help to cure cold (accruing due to excessive body cold), cough and throat infection.

-Inhaling hot fumes emanating by sprinkling turmeric powder on boiling water will cure cold and running nose.

-Cold occuring due to excessive body heat is cured by consuming tender coconut water. Eating raw onion with curd rice cure cough due to body heat.

-Eating sweet apple for 7 days gives relief from dry cough.

-Ginger with honey is taken 3-4 times a day to cure cough. But in case of cold, ginger cut into small pieces is boiled in a cup ot water after straining with a ½ teaspoon of sugar; it should be taken hot.

-Eating pomegranate will cure chest pain due to cough.

How to control High Blood Pressure ?

- One cup sweet gourd juice before breakfast.

- Garlic and beetroot is helpful in controlling high blood pressure.

How to control Diabetes ?

- Dry the black berry seeds completely then grind and take in the morning.

- Drink the juice of tomato with salt and pepper every morning on empty stomach.

- Chew 4 – 5 neem leaves early in the morning.

- 2 teaspoon of powder fenugreek (methi) seeds taken daily in milk or 2 teaspoon of fenugreek seeds can also be swallowed whole daily or Fenugreek seed may be soaked in a cup of water overnight asnd only the water taken in the morning.

- Eating 10 fresh grown curry leaves every morning for 3 months is said to prevent diabetes due yo hereditary factors. It also cures diabetes due to obesity as the leaves have weight reducing properties.

How to treat Joint Pain ?

- Make a paste of honey and lime and apply the paste to the affected region.

- Apple juice, carrot juice and garlic are good for joint pain.

- Eat steam-cooked green fenugreek (Methi Bhaji leaves)

Treatment for indigestion

- Chewing and eating half a spoon of cumin seed (jeera) before taking food will help digest the food well.

- Take ginger juice, honey and lime juice in equal quantity 3 times a day chew and eat 4-5 mint leaves.

- Grapes,orange,sour apple,ripe banana, mango, papaya, garlic,unripe mango with honey and salt help in digestion.

- Dry powder of turmeric (haldi) mixed in buttermilk or plain water help prevent flatulence (gas fromation)

- A table Spoon of cinnamon (Dalchini) water prepared as for cold and taken ½ hour after meals relief flatulence and indigestion.

How to treat Gastritis ?

- 2 to 3 pinches of black pepper powdered taken with jaggery will stop emission of smelly gas.

- Take ½ glass of water with ½ a glass of milk and freeze for 10 minutes, before drinking, with the help of a second empty glass mix it up and down and drink it.

How to treat Depression ?

- Powdered seeds of cardamon (choti elaichi) are boiled in water with tea.

How to treat Headache ?

- A tea made from cardamom is valuable in headache caused by indigestion.

- Betel leaves (paan) can be applied with beneficial results over the painful area to relieve intense headache.

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A blood vessel Tumor with active cell dividing activity is called a Hemangioma. They are often found on the head or the neck region. Most children have only one and only in rare cases children have a few of them. The hemangioma is more common among girls than boys.

Hemangiomas are tuffs of Blood Vessels which are mostly superficial on the skin. It can be termed as a birthmark. These appear on the skin at birth or may appear within one month of birth. They appear as faint red marks first and then grow rapidly in size. The exact reason due to which these occur is still unknown. They occur mostly in premature infants.

With the advancement in medical sciences, the hemangiomas can be treated using laser treatments, surgical excision etc., In many cases treatment is not required as some areas start greying, in many cases there would be a rapid regression. Rarely it needs corrective surgery. Its difficult without medical advice to predict if the hemangioma is a complicated one or not. It is essential to seek medical advice. Treatments depends on the size and location where it is present. Small non intervening ones do not need surgical correction.

Its essential to acertain through ultrasound that there are not internal hemagioma present either on the liver or the abdomen. There are two types of hemangioma the one that is superficial is the "Strawberry hemangioma" which are usually bright red and soft. Those that are deeper in the skin are called cavernous hemangioma, these often appear bluish. Hemangiomas are not contagious in nature.

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Reduce Salt - Keep fit

Sodium Chloride or common salt is very fundamental to life. Salt is one of the basic taste that is biologically required. We have the capacity to consume salt more that it is required for the body. In fact we are facing the ill effects of excess intake of salt in form of Hypertension.

We should get in to the habit of reducing our salt intake to maintain a healthy and fit life. Although reducing the salt intake is not that easy as we get used to the salty taste right from our childhood. Over a period of time our taste buds would get used to the reduced salt taste and the craving will also wade off. Most of our favourite foods like fried snacks, dried fish, curried meat, pickles contain salt in large amounts. Any food for that matter contains salt for primary flavoring.

Bringing down the salt intake to approximately 6 grams/day will have beneficial effect on blood pressure. Although the effect is very minimal it may be enough in many cases to have and additive effect on the drugs prescribed for hypertension.

The best way to reduce the intake of salt is to consume more of fresh fruits and vegetables which need not be cooked. These foods increase the intake of potassium, which reduces the blood pressure. One should definitely keep a check on consumption of packaged foods which contain salt and baking soda which are high in sodium. Try to add salt on the table while eating rather than while cooking this may help reduce the intake. Try to add herbs, lime, tamarind, mangoes to reduce the salt content of the dish.

Be cautious about your Chinese food intake, as the Mono Sodium Glutamate present in Soya sauce a prime flavoring agent in the Chinese food, contains high amounts of sodium.

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Tips for good health - Advancements in Cataract Surgery

Cataract is one of the most commonly occuring vision defect in older population. The treatment is mainly surgical. The recent advancements in surgical procedures has made it more acceptable. The advanced procedures are painless,bloodless.

Cataract, meaning opacification of the human lens is best treated using ultrasound. By this method the lens is emulified and sucked out using vacuum. When the surgery is performed through the cornea there is no loss of blood. This is extremely useful for hypertensive and cardiac patients taking medications that affect clotting of blood. Since the surgery is peformed through a micro incision and sutures are generally not required. Usually the procedure is performed under local anesthesia making it an absolutely Pain less and safe procedure. This does not require hospitalisation.

Recently the new advancement in cataract surgery has occured known as 'Micro Pulse Phaco' or 'Cold Phaco'. We saw earlier that the procedure of Phacoemulsification is like a combination of hand held mixer vaccum machine. When we use a mixer for grinding a hard substance and when it is used for a long time it gets heated up. The same thing happens in Cataract surgery too. This heat can cause harm to the cornea of the eye, that may affect the visual outcome after surgery. The newly used Phaco machines do not produce heat during surgery. This technology is called 'Cold Phaco'. Following this extraction an intraocular lens is implanted into the eye in place of a defective lens.

In Short

  • Surgery is the only cure for Cataract.
  • It is Painless and suture less.
  • It can occur at any age more than 50 years.
  • Good Quality intraocular lens has to be chosen.
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Fatty Facts

Dietary fats are essential, but they should be from healthful resources. Fish, sunflower, soy, cotton seed and corn are rich sources of poly unsaturated fats. Eliminating fats completely from our daily diet is practically not possible nor is it a healthy practice. Fat is as important as carbohydrates or proteins. Fat is essential to meet the daily metabolic requirements.

The latest dietary guidelines too advice that essential fats should be a part of our daily diet. The saturated fats should be less than 10 percentile of our daily calorie intake. Cholesterol intake should be less than 300 grams/day. The trans-fats should be completely avoided. Cholesterol intake can be avoided as the body can build its own cholesterol. The body converts all the excess calories into saturated fats.

Following are some tips for a healthy fat free life style:

1. Choose your cooking oil: use sunflower oil.

2. Avoid excess ghee intake.

3. Do not reuse oil: these oils contain trans-fats which are bad for the arteries.

4. Avoid commercially prepared fried foods as they contain hydrogenated fats.

5. Avoid using vanaspathi.

6. Substitute fish for meat in your diet. Fish is rich in Omega-3 fatty acids which are good for the heart.

7. Do not consume more than one egg yolk/day.

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All About Sweating

Sweating or Perspiring is a cooling condition for the body. Once our body temperature increases beyond the normal level, 'Hypothalamus' the part of the brain that is responsible for controlling the body temperature sends signals to sweat. The sweat is excreted from the sweat glands in the body. The sweat majorly consists of water and traces of urea and salts. Sweating is your body's way of getting rid of excess body heat, which is produced by metabolism, working muscles, stress etc.,

The sweat leaves the body through the tiny holes of the sweat glands. Once eposed to air it evaporates and thus cools the body. Sweat glands are distributed over the entire body -- except for the lips, nipples and external genital organs. The sweat gland is in the layer of skin called the dermis. There are two kinds of sweat glands they are the Eccrine and the Apocrine sweat glands. The Eccrine secretes water and some salts, the Apocrine secretes fatty substances. Eccrine is responsible for the body's thermoregulation activity. Eccrine is numerous in number and is found wide spread in the body in the areas like forehead, palms etc., Apocrine glands are found in areas like armpits and genitals.

In situations when one sweats a lot, the water loss due to sweating should be adequately compensated by increasing the water intake in order to avoid dehydration. Sweating occurs due to various reasons like stress, anxiety etc., Too much of sweating causes body odour. Sweat itself has no odour, but when bacteria on the skin and hair metabolize the proteins and fatty acids, they produce an unpleasant odor. To prevent body odour one can put a few leaves of neem in the bathing water, regularly use an effective deodorant or an anti-prespirant.

Sometimes excessive sweating occurs due to hormonal imbalances, overactive thyroid glands, strained nervous system in such cases medical advice should be sort. Those who sweat a lot due to stress can try practicing yoga to prevent stress. Increase the intake of water. Practice drinking cool fruit juices and lemonades. Bathe at least twice a day in cold water. avoid wearing synthetic tight fitting clothes. Avoid too much of exposure to hot temperatures. Mind your stress levels. Maintaining personal hygiene is most important.

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A rash like inflammed skin conditon with a itchy sensation is called Eczema. It is generally known as "dermatitis". The skin although dry is very itchy and most of the treatment for Eczema involves in reducing the itch. This is caused due to lack of moisture. Although the very exact cause of Eczema is not known. It is not contagious and can be controlled. Too much of heat and sweat also aggrevate the skin condition, hence its recommended to avoid sweat and heat. Fortunately, it disappears with age in children.

Although it appears different from person to person, its normal symptoms are dryness and extremely red patches. It is often known as the itch that rashes as the rashes appear due to itching. The place of occurance in the body is usually the forehead, scalp,elbow, knees, neck etc., Scientists believe that eczema is inherited, so there's is no preventive measure.

Treating baby's eczema can be relatively simple. Since eczema tends to rob the affected skin of moisture, keeping the skin adequately moisturized is the most important aspect of treatment. Use very mild soaps. Pat the skin dry, never rub, and immediately apply a thick moisturizer. Many doctors recommend that lotions be applied four or five times daily to help keep the skin moist.

A child having eczema should be bathed daily in lukewarm water. Do not bathe your child in hot, or even very warm water. Hot water causes skin to release histamines that make the skin red and itchy. The bath should not be for very long. . Avoid using soap and do not scrub skin with washcloth. Dress Childeren in loose fitting cotton clothes only. Apply lavish coats of moisturisers. If you child is found itching an area continously then dappen that area first with water and then apply moisturiser. Eczema can aggrevate due to stress too. Some severe eczema may also be treated with ultraviolet light under the supervision of a dermatologist to help clear up their condition. Try to eliminate any known allergens such as certain foods, dust, or pet dander from the surroundings. Anytime you feel that the symtoms are annoying the child take the child to the doctor.

There are many causes of eczema, the most common is allergic over-sensitivity, called atopy. This sort of eczema is known as atopic eczema. Eczema occurs in both children and adults, but usually appears during infancy. Atopic dermatitis often affects people with a family history of allergies. Doctors may sometimes, depending on the severity may prescribe ointments containing steroids which may tone down the itching to a greater extent. Steroids of different strengths are available but the lowest that is bearable by the skin without side effects is prescribed. Once you find some rashes on your childs body it is adviced to contact the doctor immediately.

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Worm Infestation and Deworming

Children are especially prone to worms than adults. The worms enter our body due lack of hygiene. There are many kind of worm types that enter our body like the round worm, hook worm, tape worms etc., The most common of the worms is the round worm. It enters the body via contaminated food. The hook worm which holds on to our intestines like a hook structure on its head enter our body when we walk bare feet or use the unclean public toilets. The tape worms also enter the body from contaminated food. The filarial worms enter the body through mosquito bites.

The most common symptoms of worm infestation are lack of appetite, tiredness, anemia, loose bowels, vomiting etc., The worms thrive on the nutrients that are available in the our food intake and lead to nutritional deficiency and their activities in the body may upset our stomach. The hook worms cause bleeding and ulcers in the intestine. The round worms can grow to a size of 10 cm in length and if large in number they gather like a ball and cause blockages in the intestine that leading to acute abdominal pain and constipation. The tape worms are the most dangerous. They may even enter our brain and cause fits in extreme cases. The thread worms are most common and they live in our colon and rectum. In this case the child scratches its anal region especially in the nights. These worms can cause abdominal discomfort too. Filarial worm infestations are usually accompanied with high fevers and shivering.

The doctors suggest deworming every four to six months in order to avoid any damages done by the worms as our current life style forces people to eat at fast food joints frequently. The deworming medications do not have any kind of side effects as these drugs are non-absorbable. The deworming should be done regularly are prescribed intervals to destroy the subsequent hatching. Children below 2 years of age need not under this routine. However, the deworming has no effect on Filarial and tape worms. The Filarial and Tape worm infestations require prolonged treatments and periodic tests.

To summarize to keep away from worm infestations one has to maintain certain personal hygiene. Avoid walking on bare foot, eating too much in fast food joints, using unclean toilets etc., Keep your nails short and trim them often, drink boiled water, guard from mosquito bites.

Content on "HealthTips" is provided for general information only, and should not be treated as a substitute for the medical advice of your own doctor, psychiatrist or any other health care professional. We are not responsible or liable for any diagnosis, decision or self-assessment made by a user based on the content of this website. Always consult your own General Physician if you're in any way concerned about your health.
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Health Benefits of Dietary Fiber

In the modern era our life style has changed such that our food contains very little amount of fiber. The food that is devoid of fiber may pave way for disorders like constipation, colon cancer etc., Fiber is essential to maintain a healthy digestive tract. It aids in softening of the faeces and aids in quick passage through the intestines, reducing the chances of constipation and prevents colon cancer.

Dietary fiber is the undigested residue that is majorly represented by the outer material or the plant wall material. The dietary fiber has two main classifications like the soluble and insoluble fiber. The soluble fiber is one that dissolves in water and is sticky in nature. Diets rich in soluble fiber are fenugreek, lenthils, bananas, ladies finger, plums etc., The insoluble fiber is one that does not dissolve in the digestion process and in largely unchanged. The food rich in insoluble fiber are skin of fruits and vegetables, peas, wheat barn etc.,

Consumption of a fiber rich diet ensures the lower levels of serum cholesterol which causes heart problems. Researches have proven that the consumption of soluble fiber reduces the bad cholesterol in the body and also lowers the blood glucose levels and hence is beneficial for people with diabetes too. Fiber rich food is ideal for weight watchers as it is filling and low in calories too.

The fiber content in our diet should be gradually increased as the sudden loading of fiber into our diet may cause gastric disorders, abdominal pain etc., Too much of anything is bad, likewise, too much of fiber intake may prevent our digestive system from absorbing certain minerals like calcium, iron, zinc etc., One main advantage of fiber rich food is that they maintain their nutritive value at all stages either raw, chopped, mashed or ripe. Care should be taken to increase the fluid intake with your diet.

Some of the ways to add fiber to you diet are:

1. Start your day with wholesome diet like cereals, whole grains, dried fruits.
2. Make it a point to consume 5-6 servings of fresh fruits and vegetables.
3. Include more salads in your diet.
4. While snacking include fiber rich fruits and vegetables.

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Walk to Keep fit

In today's fast paced life, people are leading a very unhealthy lifestyle. The increasing rate of health diseases, stress levels, lack or inadequate sleep are caused due to the fast paced life style. People get so engrossed in coming up in life that the forget their health. There is a popular saying 'If wealth is lost, something is lost, but if health is lost, everything is lost". It is the apt time that people start concentrating on their health and well being.

Walking is the most safest start towards exercise routine. Particularly for obese people walking is the most recommended start. To start with always stick to a comfortable speed in which you do not gasp for breath. One should never start to jog immediately take time and seek appropriate medical advice before jogging.

Walking on hills is good. The uphill provides cardiovascular benefits and the downhill is known for reducing the blood sugar levels. Walking on hills may not be possible for all of us due to the location constraints. This can be achieved by using some specifically made Treadmills which allow to simulate the required inclination.

Walking helps burn fat, boosts the energy levels and decreases health risks. Many people whose life style is sedentary or who are obese have very low fitness levels due to lack of exercise. Walking is the ideal exercise start for these kind of people. Walking enables to workout at a steady, which is required to burn fat effectively. To burn fat we need the body to be permanently in fat-burning mode during the whole exercise, walking is a constant and gradual activity so it achieves fat-burning mode very effectively even if the person lacks some fitness.
Walking has many health benefits, It can reduce the risk of many diseases like heart attack, stroke, depression, colon cancer, constipation, osteoporosis, and impotence etc. It helps cure sleeplessness.

Listed are some of the benefits of Walking:

Helps overcome depression.
Helps fight against stress and aids in relaxation.
Helps over come sleepless nights.
Helps to increase the body activity and provides flexibility.
Helps toning the body.
Helps to burn fat.

Content on "HealthTips" is provided for general information only, and should not be treated as a substitute for the medical advice of your own doctor, psychiatrist or any other health care professional. We are not responsible or liable for any diagnosis, decision or self-assessment made by a user based on the content of this website. Always consult your own General Physician if you're in any way concerned about your health.
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Heart Burn - Awareness and Treatments

Heart burn is a digestive problem. Heart burn is usually related to meals and posture and can often be relieved by consuming antacids. Heart burn is caused by a faulty muscle in the stomach. The burning, or pain of heartburn can last as long as 2 hours and is often worse after eating. Sometimes standing in an upright posture helps relieve discomfort. There are various reasons of heart burn like

1. Consuming Spicy food
2. Consuming high fat food that takes too long to digest
3. Smoking
4. Pregnancy
5. Irregular food habits
6. Obesity

The food we consume goes to the stomach through the 'Esophagus'. Esophagus is a long tube that is located in the chest and it connects the mouth and the stomach. There is a valve known as the 'lower esophageal sphincter' (LES) normally prevents the contents of the stomach from backing up into the esophagus. Heart burn occurs when the 'lower esophageal sphincter' is weak or relaxes inappropriately, thus allowing the acid to travel back. The Esophagus is not made to withstand acid and is irritated and inflamed when acid from the stomach travels up into it. Excess acid may increase the pressure in the stomach, forcing excess stomach acid and pepsin upward through the LES. Once the acid and pepsin come in contact with the lining of the esophagus, the pain of heartburn occurs.

There are many over counter and prescribed drugs available for heart burn. A tea made of 'Fennel seeds' will also help relieve discomfort. Bananas have a protective action and can be had. Avoid consumption of spicy and oily food items like pickles, fried snacks, chocolates, pastries, fizzy drinks etc., Increase the water intake.

Content on "HealthTips" is provided for general information only, and should not be treated as a substitute for the medical advice of your own doctor, psychiatrist or any other health care professional. We are not responsible or liable for any diagnosis, decision or self-assessment made by a user based on the content of this website. Always consult your own General Physician if you're in any way concerned about your health.

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Eating Healthy after Delivery

You have had your baby! Suddenly all the necessary and unnecessary advice you got throughout pregnancy from friends and relatives seems to have doubled. When you reach out for that piece of mango, your mother-in-law is horrified. You can’t eat that she says pulling the fruit away. You have just delivered!. Your mother wants you to have a tablespoon of ghee with each meal. An aunt who has come to see the baby checks with your mother if you are getting a special mix of dried fruits and nuts.

Who should you listen to? Having just delivered, do you really need to have a special diet? Can you eat normal food or does everything have to be specially prepared for you? If you have had a caesarean section, will any food affect the wound?

Indian culture places a great deal of misplaced importance on food and its effects on the woman who has just delivered. Common sense should dictate what you eat after a delivery.

After the delivery you will find you have lost more than half of what you had put on in pregnancy. You still have to lose a few kilos to regain your pre-pregnancy weight.

Obesity in women starts very often in pregnancy. If you don’t lose all the excess weight after the delivery, you will put on even more in a subsequent pregnancy. This additional weight tends to accumulate each year.
How much weight should you have gained in pregnancy?

The amount of weight you should gain in pregnancy depends on your pre-pregnancy body-mass index (BMI) If you have gained the ideal amount of weight then you fill find it easier to regain your pre-pregnancy weight. If you have gained more than you should have then you will have to work harder to take that weight off.

You do not have to eat large quantities because you are breast feeding. It is important to eat a balanced diet. There are no foods that will affect the baby. There are no specific foods that you should not eat after the delivery. A balanced diet with plenty of fruits and vegetables is very important after the delivery.

When you are breastfeeding, you should drink 2 glasses of milk and eat 2 cups of curds a day. If you have gained too much weight in pregnancy you can drink low fat or skim milk. Even curds can be made from low fat or skim milk.

Proteins are the building blocks for the baby. Make sure that your diet includes dairy products, grains, nuts and pulses, eggs, meat, fish or poultry. Avoid deep fried food.

Carbohydrates provide you with energy. When taken in larger quantities, you will only get empty calories. You do not need to increase the quantity of rice that you normally take. Substitute chapathis for rice at one meal. If you are gaining too much weight.

Vegetables provide vitamins, minerals and roughage. A rainbow of vegetables and fruits on your plate provides excellent nutrtition! Greens will help avoid constitpation.

Many women of childbearing age have low Iron stores. It is important to be on a combination supplement of iron, B –complex and folic acid for a few months after a delivery. Calcium requirements double during pregnancy and lacation.
Old wives tales”

Eat plenty of ghee. It will help the uterus heal. Not true! This will only make you put on unnecessary weight and is very unhealthy since it is a saturated fat. Avoid spicy food and hot or cold drinks because it will harm the baby. Not true!

Eat lot of garlic, it will increase milk flow. Not true! Garlic by itself does not increase the flow of milk. It makes the milk smell which may tend to make the baby suckle more.

Ajwain water is good for you not true!
Avoid certain kinds of lentils, root vegetables and certain fruits. Do not eat papaya, pineapple and mangoes after a delivery. Not true.

Content on "HealthTips." is provided for general information only, and should not be treated as a substitute for the medical advice of your own doctor, psychiatrist or any other health care professional. We are not responsible or liable for any diagnosis, decision or self-assessment made by a user based on the content of this website. Always consult your own General Physician if you're in any way concerned about your health.

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Watch your Cholesterol

Sip green tea or munch on a few nuts to fight bad cholesterol. High blood lipids (cholesterol or triglycerides) requires a combination of diet and exercise as initial treatment. Reducing dietary calories and intake of saturated fat, and consuming a high-fibre diet rich in fresh fruit and vegetables are obvious first steps. Other dietary measures exist, and here is an overview of the most popular ones.

The American heart association (AHA) recommends at least two servings of fatty fish per week to prevent heart disease. The omega – 3 fatty acids in fish lower bad cholesterol and triglycerides. According to the AHA, fish oil supplements, which contain massive amounts of omega – 3 fatty acids, are recommended only in refractory hypertriglyceridemia and are not meant for the general population. Vegetarian sources of omega 3 fatty acids include canola oil, soyabeanoil, flaxseed oil and nuts. Consuming moderate amounts of nuts definitely helps lower cholesterol particularly the bad cholesterol. One study showed that taking 20 percent of daily calories from a PUFA rich source like almonds or walnuts significantly lowered the bad lipids, Green tea and not black tea or oolong tea, has a similar beneficial effect.

Garlic: Something that smells this bad ought to do something good, and garlic indeed has many healthful properties but lowering cholesterol is not one of them. Sorry. And the same goes for soy protein which has only a minor effect on blood cholesterol. Soy protein is a great food but it is not worth having just for the sake of cholesterol.

Guggulipid made from the resin of the mukul myrrh tree, is a controversial product. Indian studies attest to its cholesterol,lowering effect but American research does not bear it out. Moreover, there are questions about the quality of the Indian research that led to the claims of health benefit. Pity.

Red yeast rice: This is a fermented rice dish popular in Chinese cuisine. It contains monacolins, which are substances with HMG COA reductase inhibitor activity similar to that of the statin drugs used to lower blood cholesterol. Unfortunately, not all strains of the rice have the same activity, and extracts of red yeast rice are poorly standardized.

Calcium Supplements improve the composition of blood lipids, and a diet high in calcium is inversely associated with cardiovascular risk. However, in postmenopausal women, who are the chief target of calcium and Vitamin D supplements, there is no reduction of cardiovascular risk with such supplements.

Content on "HealthTips" is provided for general information only, and should not be treated as a substitute for the medical advice of your own doctor, psychiatrist or any other health care professional. We are not responsible or liable for any diagnosis, decision or self-assessment made by a user based on the content of this website. Always consult your own General Physician if you're in any way concerned about your health.
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Keep a watch on your wasteline

Globally, fitness and health draw a lot of interest. Living long and living healthy are more important than simply staying alive, gasping for breath and expecting people to wheel you around or hold your hand as you exert yourself to climb up a bunch of stairs. The focus these days is on a long life along with the ability to enjoy your age. The quest for health and the ability to move around independently through one’s life is an ongoing research project-it never really ends. Because what works for one does not work for all. And as the body ages, it begins to break down-part by part. The challenge is to keep it alive, well and pain free-longer. As we grow older, we move less. Not good for the body. In Japan one of the trimmest nations on this planet, is adding a new dimension to their fitness tests. They are measuring people’s waist lines in addition to the usual health check-ups. This is to keep disorders like diabetes away. Incidentally, the norm for men is a 33.5 inch waist and for the women it is 35.4 inches. Any one exceeding the limits is warned, put on a diet and re-measured some months later. A section of the population thinks this is too much. Especially when very few people in Japan are overweight. Except Sumo wrestlers and they have to be really bulky if they want to get anywhere in their careers. For those with fattening waists you need to get them slimmer real fast as chances are your thick waist could land you in trouble. Research done at the University of Southern California indicates type 2 diabetes latches on easily to those with excess fat around the abdomens. The reasons are still under the scanner.

Take the Steps. So, how does a normal person keep the waist from wasting? First of all, I recommend you check out the diet. Go moderate on all those things you really like. Foods like chips can be eaten as treats instead of included in the daily diet. And remember, there really are no shortcuts to a trim waist. You must exercise. A 30 minutes cardio every day is the minimum one needs to do to stay healthy. Our life styles demand it.

Remember, doing abs crunches alone will not work. Besides you may land up with an injured back if you go overboard or do them wrongly. Research conducted by several authorities throughout the world says a human being needs to take 10,000 steps a day to stay in shape. Basically, your body needs to burn the calories you eat.

When you burn 3,500 calories, you would drop just one single pound of body fat. Well, it is not dramatic, I agree, but then, it is all about moderation. Besides, if you do those 10,000 steps a day, adding just 2,000 more to make a mile you would be using 100 extra calories. In the long run, say one year, you could land up becoming 10 pounds (a little less than five kilos) lighter without actually lessening your food intake.

Content on "HealthTips" is provided for general information only, and should not be treated as a substitute for the medical advice of your own doctor, psychiatrist or any other health care professional. We are not responsible or liable for any diagnosis, decision or self-assessment made by a user based on the content of this website. Always consult your own General Physician if you're in any way concerned about your health.

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